Men’s Application form

Last name: ………………………………………  Given name/s……………………………………………

Preferred or nickname (eg. Bill / William , Jim / James)………………………………………

Address: ………………………………………………………………………   Postcode: …………….

Date of birth:

DD/MM/YYYY …………/…………/………… Note: Min. age for membership is 18 years.

Telephone: Home: (….)………………………  Mobile……………………….………………………

Email address:   ……………………………………………………@…………………………………………..

Emergency contact names / relationship / contact number

1. …………………………………………/…………………………………………/…………………………….

2. …………………………………………/…………………………………………/…………………………….

Doctor name / Location-Clinic / Contact number


Have you any health conditions, or are you on any medication? YES / NO

If YES, please provide brief details.


How did you get to know about Kyneton Men’s Shed and / or who introduced you to it?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. \

Note:  You not entitled to use the Shed’s workshop facilities and equipment until I have completed Shed Induction and Workshop Skill and Safety competence requirements.

Applicant’s Declaration

I will abide by the policies and procedures of Kyneton Men’s Shed (KMS) and act in a safe and respectful manner at all times whilst I am in or at the KMS, utilising its facilities and / or participating in projects or other activities of KMS.

I will have due care and regard to all other patrons whilst in or at KMS or participating in any KMS project or activity

Applicant’s signature: ………………………………………………………… Date: ……./……./,,,,,,,.

Membership fee = $55.00.  Fees are payable by direct deposit.


Account : Kyneton Men’s Shed Inc

BSB : 633 000

Account No. : 195 080 122

Reference : Enter your FIRST INITIAL and LAST NAME, followed by the word DUE.

Payment terms are available. Please contact the Secretary or Treasurer for more details.

Occupation/ Trades/ Skills/ Interests (past or present), including current qualifications/credentials:




Are there any particular activities you would like to do at Kyneton Men’s Shed?




( ) Tick here if you agree to have your personal contact details disclosed to other Members.


( ) Tick here if you prefer not to receive regular updates or special notifications from KMS.



Proposer: ……………………………………. Seconder: ………………………………………………

Application received: ………/………/……..… Committee approved: ………/……. /………..

Payment received $………………………… Receipt No: ………… Date: ……/……/………

Membership no.: …………………………… …………………………………………………………….

(Members Register) KMS Secretary Completed Date: ……/……/………